Through our programming and social emotional curriculum, The Soulard School proactively creates a school culture that respects and values all students, fosters understandings of all kinds, and incorporates health and wellness.
We provide a framework for building social and emotional intelligences through the explicit teaching of executive functions. This approach includes self-regulation instruction that emphasizes an inclusive environment and individualizes strategies with intention and flexibility to promote awareness and autonomy. This is combined with a class and school structure aimed at empowering students and building a sense of purposeful responsibility and belonging. We know that children are capable, and develop skills in our framework within this culture of integrity.
Facets of our Well-Being program include:
Yoga, Movement and Mindfulness as part of daily classroom routine
Self-Regulation Tools are taught explicitly to students
Student Responsibilities - students take an active part in caring for the school and classroom activities
Buddy Circles
bring together small groups of students for peer mentoring and support
Nutrition & Culinary Arts Program
provides all students with free, healthy and balanced lunches that students help cook, paired with weekly Nutrition education